

How We Can Help You Start An Online Business

First Things First

You first have to change your mind set to one of an already successful entrepreneur, which is what you’re becoming. You’re reading this, so that should tell you something.

Your instincts, higher self or whatever you would like to call it are guiding you, it’s up to you to distinguish the monkey chatter in your brain from the true communication from your heart!

Your Time Is Your Most Valuable Asset

How much is your time worth? If you ask any successful entrepreneur what their most valuable asset is, they’ll tell you it’s their time.

Again, how much is your time worth?

Say your time is worth $100 per hour and your dickin’ around during the day when you should be working, instead you’re watching some ridiculous show like the ‘The View’!

1. You’ve spent an hour getting your mind scrambled

2. You paid $100 to get your mind scrambled

It doesn’t matter what show you were watching, it’s all the same. You’ve got to learn to say NO when you normally would say yes. Once you start cutting out all the things that are wasting your time, you’ll see that all of a sudden you have more time to do more productive things to further your online business, or ANY business or ANYTHING that you want to accomplish..

Learn to say NO!!! I promise you, the more you do it, the easier it gets. I’ve found from my own personal experience, that one of the  beneficial side-affects of learning to say no, is that it grows within you to without and affects all aspects of your life in a positive manner. Throw your TV in the trash!

Cut the dead weight from your life and you start making headway toward your goals, you’ll find out who really cares about you and who doesn’t. I suggest cutting those who do not care about you from your life as well. You’ll know who they are when you want to stay home on a Friday night to work on yourself and or your business and they’ll call you trying to get you to stop what you should be doing to go to some bar, spend a lot of money and get drunk.

If you were to go, you would probably spend at least 5 hours getting ready, going there, getting drunk, then coming home to pass out, The next day you wake up with a hangover, so you take the day off. So all-in-all you’ve spent/wasted at least $1,000!

Cut the dead weight, no matter what it is.

A Little Help To Change Your Mindset

Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon HillWe want to give you a free digital copy of Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

If you’re familiar with the book ‘The Secret’, Think And Grow Rich is where the authors of The Secret got their information. We want you to have the original information which is much more involved and and will definitely help you on your way!

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