Anything Worth Having Is Worth Working For
Don't Let The Word Work Scare You
Don’t let the word working scare you, that just means doing. It’s not work once you get into it. It becomes fun because you’re learning a skill that you can use ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET, as long as you have an internet connection and a laptop or even just a smart phone. You will be joining the ranks of all the Digital Nomads on the planet.
Here’s a program that Lenny and I are doing right now, it’s called Partner With Anthony, it teaches a good foundation and it gives you an opportunity grow multiple streams of income which is how those with a lot of money keep a lot of money. Are you one of those? If not at this very moment, you will be.
Skin In The Game
There’s a saying that goes like this: “You Have To Have Skin In The Game”. Simply said, it means you do have to invest in your online business, there are tool that you will need that are unfortunately aren’t free. There ARE, however, A LOT of FREE tool online that we use all the time.
If you subscribe, you’ll get a list of free tools. Enter your name and email at the top and you’ll get a conformation message with 2 links, one is for the list of tools and one for the copy of Think And Grow Rich, which you may have already downloaded.
If you’re not familiar with the concept of Skin In The Game, it has to do with having nothing to lose. If you don’t invest in the tools that you need to make an online business work, then you’re much more likely to quit when you’re “3 feet from gold”.
If you have invested in the tools and educational materials, then you are more likely to keep digging until you strike gold.
Here Is A Little Gold
The video below shows you how you can get videos from YouTube that you can use anyway you like because the creator listed them as ‘Creative Commons’. That means that there is no copyright on them and can be used by anyone for anything.
Creative Commons applies to ALL MEDIA. Look to the right…again YouTube gives you Creative Commons music tracks. If you do a search in any search engine, you’ll find all the Creative Commons media you want. The only thing you probably can’t do or shouldn’t do is sell them. You can give them away as bonuses to sweeten your affiliate offers or…
Let Us Be Your Guide
Let us be your guide, we have a lot of information we want to disseminate, which we will do on here.
We want to form long lasting relationships…friendships with all who are willing. When like minded people converge on one location, the power can grow exponentially. We can use our co-creative power to create the realities WE want and not be subjugated to the reality that someone else wants for us.
We’re planning giving reviews on the different affiliate programs and other online opportunities. One in particular we came across recently that we had NO idea was even around that apparently can be a good money maker, the coolest thing is that it costs you virtually NOTHING to do. We may have the rights to post on here, subscribe so you’ll be alerted when we find out.
Skin In The Game Part Deux
You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of money to get started. It depends on the opportunity. Like the one mentioned above, it can be done for $0.00
One of the first things I really got into when starting out in 1998 was search, which lead my Love of SEO! I became an expert at finding things online, because EVERYTHING you want to know can be found online. So if you become an expert at search, you will find the opportunities you need. This comes with changing your mindset. Start knowing, start believing that you already have what you’re looking for. If you treat it like a puzzle that you want to find the pieces for.
Some of the things that will help you are hidden in plain sight. Like on YouTube, did you know they have a library of music and videos that are available for free and ANYONE can use the content anyway they want?

The left navigation in the YouTube Studio is where you’ll find the audio tracks…all FREE, all downloadable as mp3’s. There all different types of music as you can see in the below image.